Electronic submission of manuscripts is strongly encouraged. Manuscripts as well as all supporting documents should be sent as attachments to the mail while the message in the text should contain following information:
o Author’s name
o Institutional affiliation(s) with full address details
o Phone numbers and emails
o Title of the paper
The mail should be sent to Chief Editors with copy to Editor and Associate Editors. Their mails are given below:
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Size Restriction
Article/Research Paper 4000 words, Review Article/Perspective 6000 words, Communications/ Proceedings 500 words and Book Review 1000 words.
Guidelines for Style
Manuscript should preferably be prepared in MS Office (word and excel) in Arial font of size 12, Kurti Devi 10, font size 14 and pages should be left aligned, and should have 1.5 line spacing. Manuscript should be complete in all respects—in terms of references, footnotes and acknowledgement. Pages should be numbered. Sources for all tables, graphs, figures, diagrams, and maps should invariably be provided, wherever they are applicable. Footnote should be in the foot of the page and acknowledgement in the foot of the first page. Acknowledgement of people, grants, funds, etc should be complete but brief.
Regular article and research paper: It should be an original piece of research and ample details should be provided for others to verify the work. It should be around 4000 words. An abstract in about 300 words with complete details of the authors and their affiliation should be submitted along with paper on a separate sheet. It would be appreciated if keywords are also given.
Review article and perspective paper: Review of literature or perspective paper on state of the art or current policy interest is also welcome and encouraged. An attempt should be made to make it as concise as possible and outer word limit of 6000 words should be respected.
Short communication and proceedings: A short description of important research findings which requires urgent attention can be submitted in not more than 1000 words. Likewise, proceedings of social science etc. may be sent for publication in not more than 1000 words.
Notes: Notes should be given in foot of the paper but the sequence should run throughout the paper. It would be advisable to use references in the MS Word.
Copyright Policy
It is expected that the article submitted has not been published before in this form (except in the form of an abstract), nor is it not under consideration for publication somewhere else. If and when the article is accepted for publication, the authors are supposed to have consented to automatic transfer of the copyright to the journal. Those who like use the article elsewhere should seek permission of the journal, from the Editor-in-Chief.
Fees and Charges
Authors are to be charged a handling fee. However, only the authors whose article is accepted for publication shall be asked to the handling fee. Student authors without stipend may request by postal communication, with recommendation from the guide, to the Editor-in-Chief to waive a part of the handling fee under special circumstances.