Short Detail :

1.            Name of Journal: CHHAVI National Journal of Higher Education

2.            ISSN Number: ISSN-2319-9679

3.            e-ISSN Number: Under process

4.            Nature of Journal: Print and online Jan., April, July and Oct.

5.            Periodicity: Bilingual (Published in Jan., April, July & Oct. every year)

6.            Place of Publication: Bikaner (Rajasthan)

7.            Country of Publication: India

8.            Broad Subject Category: Social Sciences, Humanities and all Higher Education Subject.

9.            The website provides complete instructions to authors/reviewers: YES

10.        The journal has a well defined peer review and publication policy: YES

11.        The Journal has a well defined ethics policy: YES

12.        The Journal has a declared frequency of publication each year: YES

13.        The Journal is published regularly and in time following its declared frequency: YES

14.        The Journal claims that it indexed in a given database and this claim is verified: YES

15.        Journal levies submission publication charges: YES (only handling charges)  

16.        Since when the Journal being regularly published: Since 2012

COPYRIGHT ©2025 -CHHAVI National Journal of Higher Education
