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ISSN 2319 – 9679
Editor- Dr. Rajendra Shrimali, Bikaner, Rajasthan
Published by : Shubham Education and Information Center
Chhavi Journal is an organ of the Bikaner, Rajasthan. It is a bilingual journal and publishes material in Hindi and in English. It welcomes articles, research papers, book reviews, communications, review articles. Though it is a journal of higher education encourages papers holistic in approach - borrowing liberally from social science etc. disciplines. It publishes papers with regional settings too.
Shubham Education and Information Centre
C/o Dr. Rajendra Shrimali
BIKANER - 334001 (RAJ.)
Mobile : 9414742973, 8209618803, 8209610176
E-mail : shrimalidrrajendra@gmail.com,   dr.rajendrashrimali@yahoo.in
            The accountability of the research matter articulated in this journal is entirely of the author(S) concerned. The view expressed in the research papers/articles in this journal does not essentially correspond to the views of the publisher/editor, The publisher/editor of the journal is no liable for errors or any consequence arising from the exercise of information contained in it.
Chief Editor


It is proud privilege to present the 29th issue of "Chhavi National Journal of Higher Education" an Inter-disciplinary quarterly Journal of social sciences and humanities in special reference of Higher Education. The Journal aims at a broad. Inclusive coverage of the social sciences etc. as they relate to contemporary Indian Society.
            The journal is giving its contribution from last seven years in the field of research. Thanks are due to many people. I am particularly thankful to the members of Advisory Board who have helped us in shaping up to journal. We hope they will help us in the future also.
            We hope that this Journal will serve the academic community well and would be the main vehicle of presenting ideas and research work in the areas of Higher Education. Any suggestion on how to improve our activity in order to deliver a better journal to the writers, readers and subscribers of this journal, will always be appreciated and welcomed.
            We are particularly keen to work with scholars, with their new ideas of academic status or reputation. Summaries of doctoral work will be given a special place in the journal. I should add that we are committed to a speedy and rational references process for every piece of submitted to us.
            We have thoroughly taken joy and learned much from working with our authors reviewers and editors involved in the preparation of this Journals and it's issues. A final note to finish this editor's pen is that the publishing of a Journal is a continuous process in that we have already started work on the next issue.
Dr. Shreesh Pal Singh
Chief Editor


‘‘हमें छांव में रखा, स्वयं जलते रहे धूप में।
हमने देखा है एक फरिश्ता, मेरे माता-पिता के रूप मंे।।’’


पिता व्यास पण्डित शिवदयाल श्रीमाली एवं माता श्रीमती पार्वती देवी श्रीमाली के आशीर्वाद से शुभम एज्युकेशन एवं इन्फोर्मेशन सेन्टर, करणी माता मन्दिर के पीछे, जस्सूसर गेट के बाहर, बीकानेर (राज.) के तत्वावधान में इन्टरनेशनल स्टैण्डर्ड सीरियल नम्बर 2319-9679 प्राप्त, ‘छवि’ नेशनल जर्नल आॅफ हायर एज्युकेशन सभी शोधार्थियों, साहित्यकारों, शिक्षकों, व्याख्याताओं, सहायक आचार्यों, संयुक्त आचार्यों एवं आचार्यों की शुभकामनाओं से जनवरी 2020 से अपने आठवें वर्ष में प्रवेश कर चुका है।

सभी की शुभकामनाओं हेतु एतदर्थ धन्यवाद।

डाॅ. राजेन्द्र श्रीमाली


With the blessing of my father Vyas Pandit Shivdayal Shrimali and mother Smt. Parvati Devi Shrimali, The Shubham Education and Information Centre, Behind Karni Mata Temple, Outside Jassusar Gate, Bikaner's creation 'Chhavi' National Journal of Higher Education has completed Seven Years.

'Chhavi' ISSN 2319-9679 has started its 8th year with the good wishes of Lecturers, Associate Professors and Professors.

Thankful and obliged for the good wishes of all.

Dr. Rajendra Shrimali



छवि नेशनल जर्नल आॅफ हायर एज्युकेशन जनवरी 2020 से आँठवें वर्ष में प्रवेश कर चुका है। पिछले सात वर्षों में 28 तिमाही अंक निकल चुके है। आगामी जनवरी 2020 में 29वां तिमाही अंक होगा।
इस अंक में विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालय से शोध कार्य कर रहे शोधार्थियों, साहित्य में रुचि रखने वाली साहित्यकारों, विद्यालय से जुड़े शिक्षकों, महाविद्यालय से जुड़े व्याख्याताओं तथा विश्वविद्यालय से जुड़े सहायक आचार्य, संयुक्त आचार्य एवं आचार्य के अपने स्वयं के मौलिक लेख/शोध पत्र है। इसमें लेखकगणों के अपने स्वयं के विचार है। किसी पाठक का लेखक द्वारा लिखित लेख एवं शोधपत्र से सहमत होना अथवा नहीं होना आवश्यक नहीं है।
आशा ही नहीं अपितु विश्वास भी है कि यह अंक सभी पाठकों के लिए उपयोगी सिद्ध होगा। आगामी अंक के लिए सभी पाठकों के सुझाव सादर आमंत्रित है।
डाॅ. प्रियंका श्रीमाली
सहायक संपादक


 'Chhavi' National Journal of Higher Education will start its eight year from next January 2020. From last Seven years its 28th Quarter edition has published.

In this edition different Researches, Lecturers and Professors and people of literary taste has given their original Research work and their own ideas. It is not necessary that readers have to agree with the writers.

We are fully agree with this fact that this edition will be useful for all the readers. For this next edition the suggestion are invited from the readers.

Dr. Priyanks Shrimali

Associate Editor

COPYRIGHT ©2025 -CHHAVI National Journal of Higher Education
